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Eli is a multi-purpose bot that delivers on the word: Be useful and competent, no filler and unnecessary commands.

Eli bot commands for Discord

To see all the commands of this bot, go to its Dashboard, here you will find all Eli’s commands without exception.


Here are several qualities in which Eli bot for Discord excels, which makes it so attractive for everyday use.

  • Reaction Roles: Eli has some of the easiest and prettiest reaction roles in all of Discord. Use the simple eli rr configuration to create or convert
  • Moderation: Eli has simple but powerful moderation commands to keep your server under control without giving your staff too much power.

With the right settings you can see all executed moderation commands and force your staff to moderate through Eli instead of Discord perms. This allows you to easily detect abuse.

Eli has moderation commands ranging from giving kicks/warns to mass deleting spam and temporarily giving mutes/bans to members.

  • Automation: Ever get tired of the basic, ugly welcome messages Discord sends every time someone joins the server?

Or have you ever wished you could customize the message Discord sends when someone joins the server?

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Eli solves those problems with awesome looking welcome and goodbye messages, as well as custom reinforcement messages. You can also set up automatic reminders for the Disboard. You can find the commands to do these things in the automation section.


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