1 estrella2 estrellas3 estrellas4 estrellas5 estrellas (Ninguna valoración todavía)

Giveaway is a simple but powerful bot that fulfills a specific task, the creation and organization of sweepstakes in your Discord server.

It has interesting and focused features, such as:

Bot active 24 hours a day without a break.
Several easy ways to create a sweepstakes that fits your requirements.
Many modifiable options to make your event unique (For example: You can change the color of the embed to create, the emoji to react to as well as place a necessary role that people need to be able to participate in the sweepstakes).

Giveaway bot commands for Discord

To start using this bot, remember that the prefix of the Giveaway command is “+g”.

+gcreate Launch a wizard to configure and create your sweepstakes.
+gstart [Time of the draw] [Number of winners] [Prize to be raffled] Run the draw/event directly on the current channel you have set the command.
+gend [Message ID] The specified draw ends prematurely.
+greroll [Message ID] It will launch another winner of the specified drawing.
+gcancel [Message ID] Cancel the current draw you are doing.
+gsetprefix [New prefix to be inserted] Place a new prefix to the bot.
+gsetcolor [New color to be placed in HEX] It will set the specified color to the embed created in the draws.
+gsetemoji [Emoji] Place a new emoji to be reacted to when a draw is made.
+gsetrole [Rol] Place a specific role for those who will participate in the drawings, useful also if you want to make a specific drawing to those who have a role.Unir el bot


Join Giveaway bot for Discord

Start using this bot and create sweepstakes and events that make your server stand out from the rest.

Join Giveaway to Discord


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