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If you are looking for a perfect Minecraft simulator without leaving Discord, this bot is for you because it imitates it in an exceptional way. Become a miner on your Discord server and start this adventure with Mining Simulator bot for Discord.

For now the bot is only available in 2 languages: Turkish and English.

Mining simulator bot for Discord essential commands

  • m!start: Start your adventure using this command!
  • m!help: Our wizard will help you with the different commands!
  • m!mine: It is always time to mine.
  • m!repair: It is used when times get dark… and you need to repair a tool.
  • m!profile: It shows what you have.
  • m!pickaxe: Get the best collection of spikes.
  • m!craft: Creates the best peak.
  • m!top: You are at the top of the leaderboards.
  • m!info: Gives you information about the bot
  • m!enchant: Mine faster and get more loot!
  • m!vote: Vote to get a box!
  • m!crate: Open your boxes.

Mining Simulator Main Commands

  • m!mine: Start mining
  • m!profile <@user>: Displays your profile or another user’s profile.
  • m!craft: Creates new peaks.
  • m!pickaxe <Peak name>: Display your peaks or change them.
  • m!enchant <Enchant>: Enchant your tools to get more loot.
  • m!crate <Type of box>: Open a box to obtain rare loot.
  • m!repair: Repair your peak.
  • m!sell: Sell your materials to earn money.
  • m!dimension: Travel to different dimensions.

Mining Simulator bot drilling commands for Discord

  • m!drill: Displays information about your autominero.
  • m!collect: Collect the materials from the autominer.
  • m!charge: Charge your autominer.
  • m!upgrade <type>: Update your automounter.

Informative commands

  • m!help: It gives you all the commands.
  • m!top: Allows you to view the leaderboard.
  • m!info: Gives information about the bot.
  • m!event: Information on the different events.
  • m!stats: Display your statistics.
  • m!vote: Vote in the bot to get a box of votes. The more you vote, the more boxes you get.
  • m!loottable: Displays information about the different boxes.

More commands

  • m!boost: Spend tokens to get more resources on your server.
  • m!tokens: Information on how to get tokens.
  • m!skins: See the different skins.
  • m!shop: Buy skins with tokens.

Añadir Mining Simulator bot para Discord

As you can see, it has everything you need to be an addictive and phenomenal Minecraft/Roblox simulator. Let’s play!

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