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If you are crazy about anime/video game/novel world… and you want to create your own community on Discord, Mudae bot for Discord is a must on your server! Especially for its best known function of the competition to catch waifus / husbandos (Pokémon style) of the most famous manga and video games in the world!  There are more than 42,000 different ones, be the first to get them all!!! All Mudae commands at your disposal and in English, to make its use as easy as possible.

To put Mudae in any language, just type “$lang” and you will have this wonderful game bot translated into any language, to make its use more comfortable.

Or exchange one of yours for the Waifu/Husbando you want to get, because you can’t have the same waifu for different users! Use all Mudae’s commands as you wish, and enjoy this bot to play on Discord.

There are not many bots that are in Spanish for the Discord community, and that is appreciated.


Add Mudae bot for Discord to your server

To be able to start using Mudae, obviously first you have to invite him to your server.
This is done by clicking on the following button, which will take you to a website where you will have to click on the “invite” button as shown in the following image:

Then we authorize and give permission to everything and that’s it!

How to start playing with Mudae and her rules

Once you have added Mudae to your server, a user can start making Waifus/Husbands appear with a command (explained below) and Waifus will start appearing in the server’s chat room so users will have to claim them if they like the Waifu/Husbando with some commands that we will also explain below.











But be careful! There are rules. You cannot claim all the Waifus/Husbandos. There is a time limit and that limit is that you can claim one for every 3 hours, so choose wisely as remember that if one person has a Waifu, no one else can have it repeated. Use Mudae’s commands wisely to be the owner of the biggest harem ever seen on Discord.

Popularity of Mudae’s Waifus

Once you have captured 15 Waifus, you will have a list with your most popular Waifus and this popularity will be associated to some points. The 15 most popular Waifus of your list (because you can have many more) will be in a Ranking and the one with more points with those 15 Waifus in the Ranking will be the most popular of the Server.


How to use Mudae bot for Discord and its commands for Waifus

First of all you have to remember that Mudae works with commands, which are English words and ALL the commands will start with a US dollar sign:


Most used Mudae bot for Discord commands

  • Make Waifus/Husbandos appear: $w (Remember that you can make 10 rolls per hour!).
  • put the hearts under a waifu: $togglekakerarolls
  • Change the text that appears when you claim a Waifu: $renameclaim
  • How to know when it’s your turn to play again: $tu

Other Mudae Modes

There are other game modes offered by Mudae, such as the tea drinking game. Tea drinking, yes. It is played by teams and is based on 5 mini-games within the server. The tea-s will have different color and that color will be each group. The group that earns the most points in their mini-games will be the winners.

Funny Mudae Commands

  • $beam “@user” : With the $beam command, you shoot a bolt at whatever you want. For example, to a chicken if you put $beam chicken, you will shoot a poor chicken.
  • $quotimage: You will see an image and a famous text from an anime, video game…

If you need to know more commands of this bot, put “$help” to display all the commands you can use with Mudae bot for Discord.

Other recommended game bots for Discord: