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Musical Tune is a stable and efficient bot for Discord, which is to play music. One more music bot so that no one on the server is left without listening to songs while on a call.

It is important to have more than one bot so that different voice channels can use music simultaneously. With commands explained in Spanish, both for PC and Android.

Musical Tune commands in English

The prefix of this bot is ” m! “, playing music on Discord has never been easier. Find out what commands you can use with Musical Tune.

Commands Description
play [song] Invite the bot to your channel and start playing a song.
pause Pause the music.
resume Resume the paused music.
vote Link to the page where you can vote for Musical Tune.
nowplaying Displays information about the currently playing song.
skip Skip the current song.
stop Clears the queue and stops playback.
stats Provides information about Musical Tune.
shuffle Randomize the queue.

Add Musical Tune bot for Discord

With the ability to do bass boost and shuffle, it fulfills the agreed upon needs for listening to your favorite songs on your server. Take full advantage of your Discord community, grow your server with these nice bots that will make people love it. There is no Discord server that doesn’t have music bots on it.

Join Musical Tune

It supports the following sites: YouTube, Spotify, Soundcloud. For more information you can visit their official server, where they will answer any questions you may have.

Unir Musical Tune bot

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