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Enjoy this famous multifunctional bot with more than 700,000 active users, and the best, Nekotina bot for Discord is completely in Spanish. With its simple and intuitive commands, you will have fun with this bot for Discord that is becoming more and more famous. All Nekotina commands at your fingertips, simple and NSFW commands to make your Discord server a unique place.

With it, you can do many things, play music, roleplay, moderate… but above all, and the best of this bot is its outstanding management of the server economy. If you want to start using it on your own, just use the help command. It will show you all its commands, but without explanation, if you want to really learn how to use Nekotina, read this article.


How to use Nekotina – Nekotina Commands

If you are starting to use Nekotina bot for Discord, everything starts with the main command, once the bot is added to your server you will have to type !help which will show you a square of commands that you can use instantly:


This will show Nekotina’s basic commands, and if you type each one, it will tell you everything Nekotina can do in each function, it is one of the most complete bots on Discord.

Commands / Category
!help action !help league
!help anime !help lewd
!help club !help marriage
!help currency !help mod
!help config !help music
!help fun !help reaction

Comandos de reacción Nekotina bot para Discord

!angry Express that you are angry.
!baka ¡BAKA!
!bite Bite the named user. Or let me bite you.
!cheeks Pinch some cheeks.
!claps Applauds something or applauds someone.
!cook Cook something for yourself or someone else.
!cuddle Snuggle with someone or with me.
!feed Feed a user, or let me feed you.
!gaming Play a video game alone or with someone.
!glare He frowns.
!handholding Take my hand or a user’s hand.
!heal Heals or revives a loved one.
!hi Say hello to the server or to someone specific.
!highfive High-five bro.
!hug A little hug?
!kickbutt Kick someone.
!kill Kill someone.
!kiss Kiss someone.
!laugh Make fun of someone.
!lick Lick someone.
!pat Pet someone on the server.
!poke Annoy someone on the server.
!punch Hit someone.
!scared Express that you are afraid.
!shoot Shoot someone.
!slap Slap someone.
!spank Spank someone.
!splash Splash someone.
!spray Spray your favorite substance on a member.
!stare Stare at someone.
!tickle Tickle someone.
!tsundere Be tsundere to someone.

What is the economy in Nekotina?

One of the strong points of this bot is to have a virtual economy inside your Discord server where you can buy by typing, that is to say, you have a fictitious money with which you can invest in buying chocolate cookies, water… Through commands you will be able to interact with the other members of your server.

As you can see, the economy is activated with the !help currency command after adding the bot.

After that you will be given several subcommands that we will explain you better in this section their use.

How to use and join Nekotina is very simple, and even more the use of its commands to make its use as easy and fast as possible.

The economy command is !help currency and there you will get another square with other options that we will explain one by one. In principle, the !bag. command is !bag..



At the beginning, your inventory will be empty and we will use the !bal command to see our possessions and coins (money):


Oh, surprise! Also empty, so we’ll have to start filling our pockets with coins:

How can I earn coins with Nekotina?

To know how you can use coins in Nekotina bot for Discord, you have to type the command !guide and there you will get several options with which to earn money, which usually will be, work, perform a crime, fishing, mining (a la minecraft) or with your daily quests:

Now, normally you start with the !daily commands and the !work command to start giving you some coins and tell you actions with which to get more money:






Join Nekotina Discord bot:

Join the bot to your server, or join its official Discord server.

Join Nekotina

If you want to join the official Nekotina server to see the latest news and talk with other users about what this Bot can do, join their official server through the next link.

Official Server


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