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If you like to troll with images or you like to create gifs, edit people’s profiles, put memes… Notsobot is a bot for Discord that will come in handy to liven up your server. You can do a lot of things like Google image search, create gifs from static images, search for emojis, render images from text… and much more using Notsobot commands!

You can configure it by giving it permissions only on a specific channel so that it doesn’t saturate the general one, and so users can use this bot in a quiet way and without disturbing others. Learn how to use it, many servers have Notsobot, are you sure you don’t want to try it?

Attach the bot to your server:

If you want to start creating funny pictures and surprise your server users, join this wonderful bot. When Notsobot is inside the server, type “.help” and it will send you to its command page.  At first it seems complicated from all the functions it can perform, but with a quick glance you can start transforming profile pictures or any photo sent to the server.

Try the funniest Notsobot commands:

With Notsobot for Discord, you will be able to edit photos automatically, any photo you have sent to the server, simply by setting the appropriate command, will distort the last photo posted on the Discord channel. It also has the ability to tag a user to alter their profile picture. These Notsobot commands explained in English will be a great help to laugh with your colleagues.

.magik: Alters the last image that was placed on the server.

.magik @tag: Alters the profile image of the selected person.

.gmagik: Alters a gif instead of a static image.

.chan: Find a random meme from 4chan

For information search:

Notsobot for Discord is not only for laughing, but also for searching for information. With a few simple commands you will be able to get out of doubts looking for any information, image or video. Learn all the commands and use Notsobot like nobody else.

.google: Search for information on Google.

.image/img: Search for images on Google.

.youtube/yt: Search for the link on Youtube.

More information:

You can go to the official website or ask questions on their official Discord server. You can find out the latest news about Notsobot bot for Discord.


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