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Do you need or want a Discord bot that tracks how many times you’ve said “owo”, compete globally for it and is also functional? Well this bot is for you.

OwO is a powerful bot, equipped with many fun and helpful commands; its main point is undoubtedly the economy with a unique concept that will get you hooked the first time you go to play it, not to mention that it also has a betting system and pets which you can take full advantage of to enrich yourself.

If this is not enough for you, it contains a great amount of reaction commands, perfect to transmit your feelings to the server or a person.


OwO bot commands for Discord:

Rankings: top | my

Economy: cowoncy | give | daily | vote

Animals: zoo | hunt | sell | battle | pets | inv | shop | equip | buy | autohunt | owodex

Bets: slots | coinflip | lottery | blackjack | drop

Fun: 8b | define | gif | pic | translate

Social: cookie | ship | pray | curse

Meme generator: spongebobchicken | slapcar | isthisa | drake | distractedbf

Reaction: blush | cry | dance | lewd | pout | shrug | sleepy | smile | smug | thumbsup | wag | thinking | triggered | teehee | deredere | thonking | scoff | happy | thumbs | grin

Actions: cuddle | hug | insult | kiss | lick | nom | pat | poke | slap | stare | highfive | bite | greet | punch | handholding | tickle | kill | hold | pats | wave | boop

Utility: feedback | stats | link | guildlink | disable | censor | patreon | avatar

Join OwO to your Discord server

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