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Poketwo bot for Discord brings the Pokémon experience to Discord. Catch Pokémon that are randomly created on your servers, trade them to expand your collection, battle your friends to earn rewards, and much more. All free to play


PokeTwo bot for Discord catching and collecting commands

While talking on your server, pokémon will appear randomly. Compete with other server members to be the fastest to catch them.

  • p!catch (Pokemon name): Capture the Pokemon that has appeared.
  • p!evolve (Pokemon): Evolve the Pokemon.
  • p!nickname (nick): Change the name of your Pokemon.
  • p!pokedex: Show your Pokedex in Discord.

Keep catching to increase the size of your collection and work to complete the Pokédex. Catch rare mythical and legendary pokémon to show off to your friends!

Pokémon trading and selling commands

Do you really want a rare pokémon? Do you want to add it to your personal collection? Trade with other players anywhere, anytime!

  • p!balance:View your current PokeTwo Credits balance.
  • p!shop (página=x):Displays the store on page X (number).
  • p!trade (@usuario): Swaps Pokemons with the selected user.


You can also buy and sell in the global marketplace, where a wide variety of Pokémon are regularly added.

Poke2 Fighting commands

Gather your three most powerful pokémon and challenge your training partners in a battle of skill and strategy.

  • p!battle (@user): Battle another user with your Pokemon.
  • p!moves (Pokemon): Displays the moves that a Pokemon can learn.
  • p!learn (Movement name): Learn the selected movement.

The bot supports 3v3 pokémon duels with moves from real Pokémon games, with stylish and customizable visuals.


Join their official server

To solve doubts, know when there are special events and chat with other users who use this great bot for Discord that is becoming fashionable in the community.

Invite Poketwo bot to Discord

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