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YAGPDB bot for Discord is a multitasking bot, but mainly it is an auto-mod. The best way to find out what it does is to test it on a server and see what it offers you. You will be able to manage your server in a much simpler way with its auto-mod functions, and also musicalize the voice channels thanks to its versatility and its music commands. It is a very complete bot, that’s why it is one of the most used in the Discord community.

Features of YAGPDB bot for Discord

  • Search for links, on sites such as reddit, youtube… at your fingertips.
  • Assignment of roles, name colors… through reactions on images. This is a very useful feature offered by this auto-mod, few bots work as well as YAGPDB.
  • Automatic moderator mute, kicketed or banned for a limited or unlimited period of time.
  • Cat curiosities, yes, you heard right, hundreds of curiosities about cats using the “-catfact” command, according to the author of this bot for discord, is the function that took him the longest time to perform, neither the auto-mod commands, nor the music commands, but cat curiosities, don’t you think it’s amazing?


Join the auto-mod bot to the Discord server:

Join Bot

YAGPDB bot for Discord Official website:

If you want to know everything about YAGPDB do not hesitate to consult its official website, you will know all the secrets of this discord bot with wonderful auto-mod functions.

Official  Website

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